Does Flood Insurance Cover My House and Car?
Floods are among the most common and damaging natural disasters, often affecting thousands of U.S. homeowners and motorists every year. Given the inherent inevitability of these incidents and the potentially catastrophic financial ramifications, understanding various flood insurance options can make all the difference.
So when considering what are likely two of your most valuable possessions, your home and your car, how can you ensure you’re appropriately covered against floods?
How Does Flood Insurance Work?
Flood insurance can be an essential investment in your personal loss control measures, possibly shielding you from sizable out-of-pocket expenses and losses caused by floodwaters.
These policies may be needed by most homeowners, as standard home insurance policies do not typically include floods as covered perils.
Specifically, flood insurance can often assist with the following costs:
- Structural repairs, such as if your home’s floors, foundations, walls or plumbing and electrical systems have been damaged
- Losses involving your belongings, such as if water damages your furniture, electronics or other contents of insured buildings
- Cleanup costs, such as if receding floods leave behind debris that must be transported elsewhere or otherwise requires remediation.
Is My Car Included?
While your home and its contents are typically protected by flood insurance, you should be aware that your car is not likely covered by such policies. Instead, you should strongly consider investing in comprehensive coverage within your auto insurance policy.
This component can financially protect insured vehicles from many noncollision incidents, including floods, fires, theft and vandalism. This means that even with flood insurance covering your home, lacking comprehensive auto coverage could still lead to expensive out-of-pocket losses.
We’re Here to Help
Contact The Insurance Gurus in Acworth, Georgia, today to learn more about coverage options for floods or to compare personalized quotes.
This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information.
Categories: Flood Insurance